Tuesday, January 27, 2009

146 lb pics.... and Jamaican food

So -- I'm a spaz, and can't figure out how to get the pics on the left, and the words on the right -- I thought I hit the right button. Anyway. Pics from this week! I usually don't wear glasses, but was on this day... and they were still a bit tinted from being outside.

Oh my... those shorts might be just a *little* too tight for me -- anyway, they'll be looser soon enough! They're my favorite treadmill shorts -- I really can't run on the treadmill in workout pants, I just get too hot.

Third day on WW – started off great: 2 hard-boiled egg whites on hearty whole wheat toast (Balthazar bread) with a wedge of Laughing Cow cheese – I think the bread must be about 3 pts, for a total of 4. Very filling.

THEN… yesterday I mentioned that I was going to be scouting some restaurants in the Bronx for work (I work for a food / travel TV show) – and I had a feeling the Jamaican place would be tough. They were rumored to have great jerk shrimp (not too bad), as well as excellent beef patties (I LOVE these – but they’re about 10 – 12 pts each!).

I didn’t do as well as I could have – but I didn’t scarf down as much as I would have in the past. Shared both with a co-worker.

Later had a small amount of leftover pesto pasta (really should have measured it), with a boatload of broccoli. Met friends for a drink, and stuck to just ONE vodka / soda (2 pts), and drank water the rest of the time.

I will be SO psyched to see the changes in pics to come!

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